About The RedBrick Farm
From Our Family to Yours
The RedBrick Farm was established on this property in 2016. Although we have been farming longer then 2016. We started homesteading in 2012. Farming has kind of a long learning curve. It takes lots of successes, failures, trial and error. The beauty of farming is knowing where your food comes from and how it’s well taken care of. We raise lots of different animals and love to garden. Animals such as rabbits, ducks, chickens, goats, Great Pyrenees, Newfies and Pyredoodles. We have a pocket pony and usually have a cow or two as well. Education, awareness, and farming is important to us! We want to share that with you! Check around our website for all the animals we raise including a passel of 7 kids! I also want to share we love our Great Pyrenees and they play a very special role here on the farm. They guard our livestock and keep them safe from predators.To learn more about our Great Pyrenees puppies and our Pyredoodles check out our pages dedicated to them!
I’m Ariel (like the little mermaid) and my husband is Marshal. (I really couldn’t do it without this guy!!) I’m a country girl at heart and my husband was born a city (small town) slicker. Although his grand parents owned a dairy. I’m one of 8 kids also a twin and my husband one of 4 so both from good size families.
We started farming 12 years ago waaaaaay out in the mountains of Yosemite National forest. Breath taking. Spent three years up there in preparation of moving out of state and then moved to the Treasure Valley of Idaho. The Gem State. It really is a gem living out here! We love Idaho and it has become more of a home to us then I ever thought possible!
We wanted a better life for our 7 kids. (4 at the time) To teach them how to work hard, love with passion for what they do, and to know the responsibilities of taking care of things you love. It’s hard work, but so rewarding!! We live in the country on 2 ish acres; on a dead end road, walking distance from the river. I always call it our “hobby farm” because we don’t actually make money at it, we just cover our costs and get to teach our kids life lessons everyday.
I wouldn’t give this up for a million dollars. Although a million dollars could build a pretty awesome farm! I hope you enjoy getting to know us and enjoy the pictures I share of our daily farm life! We hope you enjoy learning about farming, interacting with animals, and seeing our little farm! We also hope to live Homestead Ever after! In our happy Farmily!